From the Desk of the Principal

Dr Nayan Kalita
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., LLB

Ratnapith College, the dream child of former Chief Minister, legendry leader, Jana Neta Sarat Ch. Sinha, was established with a view to materialize the mission and vision resembling that of the Santi Niketan. Jana Neta Sarat Ch. Sinha was guiding the college for three decades and true to his legacy, the College has emerged as a premier higher educational institution in western Assam. Located in a peripheral area of the state, the College has at present near about 1400 regular students in degree course under Gauhati University. Also, thousands of students have been studying in different distance course of KKHSOU, IDOL etc. With a dedicated and sincere brigade of teachers it is our mission to provide quality education to our students. To reap the benefits of advancement of information and communication technologies, Ratnapith College has already developed digital infrastructure. Along the modern ICT enabled class rooms, the College has number of Digital Class Rooms. The Wi-Fi connected College Library has good facility of e-learning. Besides, the Library is connected by INFLIBNET. The College has completed NAAC Cycle II Assessment and Accreditation and the NAAC has reaccredited the College with B+ Grade.
We are passing through a hard time and critical situation due to the pandemic COVID-19. Educational Institutions, religious prayer houses, business centres and industries have been locked down since 24th of March, 2020. Universities and schools have been closed since 16th of March, 2020. We are experiencing a total lockdown of the world. The educationists and academicians of the world are busy in inventing new alternative ideas and paths for imparting educations to the students of the world. The online class system has been adopted as the alternative of class room education. But the system of online class and online examination has thrown the economically weaker section of the society into trouble. It is a challenge for the teaching- learning process and we cannot but accept this challenge and cope with the call of the time. Hope, the teaching and non-teaching staff and the students of the College will work hard in this changing scenario to make our College a pioneer institution in this region.

Dr. Nayan Kalita,