Historical Background

Ratnapith College was started on the first September, 1978. It was called Chapar Bahalpur College in its inception.After one year, the name was changed to Ratnapith College to signify a wider concept and some emotional values.Ratnapith was the name of one of for divisions of the ancient kingdom of Kamrup. The site of the College is with him ancient Ratnapith which had a glorious past and rich heritage. The College has renamed after it to associate itself with its past glory. The College is situated at Bahalpur, Nathpara under Chapar Circle of Dhubri District.
The College has been imparting education in the Three year Degree Course and Correspondence Courses through Institute of Distance and Open Learning (IDOL), GU and Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University (KKHSOU). Moreover College has introduced Vocational Courses in ‘Creative Writing & Appreciation of Literature’ and Forestry & Wildlife Management’.

The College was affiliated to Gauhati University in the Year 1983-84. It is now included in 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956. Besides the General Courses of studies as prescribed by Gauhati University, the College has ventured to introduce certain Practical Courses mentioned above for its students of acquisition of the idea of self-reliance, self-employment and self-confidence. Great efforts have been made to prepare the students and national assets fit to contribute to the prosperity of the country. It is made to reverse the present trend towards white collar employment. The trend has been a growing burden and liability. In the crisis of confidence and on the erosion of values we venture to turn to Gandhiji’s line of construction programmes.
The College has made rapid progress in the vast areas covering 89 Bighas of land consisting of adequate Class Room, Administrative Buildings, Teacher’s Common Room, Girls Common Room, Students Union Hall, Library, Reading Room, Principal’s Quarter, Guards Quarters, Wardens Quarter, Sports House, Auditorium, Women’s Hostel, Workshop, Roads, Avenues, Open Air Theatre, massive Plantation of Trees, Luxuriant Growth, Orchard of various Fruits and Nuts, Fishery and Playground with pavilion which looks like a Mini Santiniketan (as the prominent Poet Navakanta Baruah termed it) While singing the College Song, the students are pledged to bringing light out of darkness and knowing and unknown. The symbol in the flag carries the massage of morality DAM, DAYA, DAN. The motto summarizes the objects of the College in to the wards “Learning itself is achievement in life”.

Our Vision

  • The prime vision of the college is to transform the college into an excellent centre of learning.
  • We shall strive to provide students a conducive ethos for learning and development of skills not simply for living and livelihood but also to face the challenges of a rapidly evolving society and to make the students better human being.
  • To innovate and excel in the field of learning & development.

Our Mission

  • To become one of the leading educational institute of the region and to be a centre for dissemination of knowledge and services to the society through teaching, learning and extension activities.
  • To provide state-of-the art infrastructure for the all round development of the students.
  • To create the foundation for developing leadership quality and professional skills of the students.
  • To preserve the rich cultural heritage of western Assam.
  • To inculcate the value of pluralism, multi-culturalism, secularism and responsible citizenship.

Our Objective

  • To develop the college as an exemplary institution of higher Education.
  • To enhance the knowledge and skill of the students.
  • To ensure the overall personality development of the students.
  • To develop moral and ethical values and scientific temper among students.
  • To promote the feeling of nationalism and Universal brotherhood.